Home Safety The Most Important Hygiene and Safety Rules for Your Salon in 2021
hygiene and safety rules for salon

The Most Important Hygiene and Safety Rules for Your Salon in 2021

by Martha Simmonds

There is nothing worse than getting treatment in a salon that doesn’t look or feel clean. But hygiene isn’t only about maintaining a clean space anymore. Covid brought cleanliness standards to a whole new level and it’s important to understand which practices you should be following in your salon to keep customers and staff safe.

What are the rules that you should you be following in your salon?

A sterile and clean work area is not only required by law, but it will also make your business appear more professional and trustworthy. Additionally, it will allow you to stand out from your competition.

Using chemical agents such as antiseptics and disinfectants regularly will help prevent diseases and kill microorganisms.

Ensure that all staff wash their hands or use disposable gloves before offering any treatment.

Only offer your customers clean, fresh towels and products.

Disinfect all surfaces before serving clients or hire a professional disinfection service to thoroughly remove any harmful bacteria in your salon.

Cleaning the tools and products that you use in your business the correct way is essential to keeping your workplace clean and safe. Invest in high-quality products and learn to clean them effectively, whether it is your led nail lamp or another important beauty tool.

Wash, rinse and then sterilize tools using alcohol and make use of salon-approved disinfectants like Barbicide or Clippercide.

Keep all your equipment and tools clean and dry.

How can you amend your salon so people have enough space and can social distance?

The WHO recommends maintaining a distance of at least 1 meter between individuals to stay safe.

Face masks are mandatory for customers in Britain, although rules can vary in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and clients may be able to remove them in certain situations.

A visor and Type II face mask should be worn by staff.

If you have a back door, you could turn it into an exit in order to avoid customers passing each other in the doorway.

What sort of products should you be using in order to maintain the best hygiene practices you can?

When disinfecting your salon, make sure to use the right kind of product for each surface. For example, a cleaning product that contains alcohol could damage vinyl or PVC chairs. Examine the surfaces of your furniture regularly to ensure that your cleaning supplies are not harming them.

Why is it important to be following these practices constantly, especially in the wake of Covid?

The World Health Organization states that ‘people may become infected by touching surfaces that have been contaminated by the virus when touching their eyes, nose or mouth without cleaning their hands.’ This makes it imperative to keep all surfaces in pristine condition. According to experts, the virus isn’t always visible in people, which makes it difficult to determine who has contracted it and who hasn’t. Thus, it’s important to keep our guard up by wearing a high-filtration face-covering like the reusable masks sold at AusAir.

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